Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On February 5th, 2014 the Washington Post published an article titled "After Snowden, a lesser Internet?" I personally think this is an article worth reading if not for the simple fact that it (NSA leaks) could possibly effect our National Governments' relationships with other countries we deem "friendly."

Its also important in my opinion to see that our national governments duty is to protect us but as you've seen through this article and other articles that feature anything about Edward Snowden or the NSA they go great lengths, and even do some immorally wrong things to "protect" the peace; tapping phone calls and invading the American publics privacy is some thing I can't fathom accepting in my government.

In David Ignatius article it is very clearly stated that if Edward Snowden had not done what he is so infamously known for in the "public eye" the American public might not of ever known what the government is truly doing in the shadows of our misinformed perspective. I'm not saying Edward Snowden should be praised by any means; all i'm saying is that if you are an American citizen you might think twice about making that phone call or E-mail to a loved one. Which isn't something I thought I'd ever have to worry about as an American citizen. That you can thank Edward Snowden for since seeing his actions at least have informed us on what the government intends to do.

Our perspective is now set in place if you care anything about your privacy you'll take notice and protect your rights. I couldn't of said it better myself so ill quote David Ignatius "We may be the last generation to take joy from the internet," because of the new boundaries and protectionism, as one American glumly put it." This is an unfortunate prospective truth seeing is that my generation has been dubbed the so called "internet generation." If this is the case and the American Government keeps invading the internet; it seems that our "internet generation" will be a short lived one.